I totally hate birds of any kinds. Turkey's, robins, blue jays, you name it. The bird I hate the most? Parakeets. Yes, those cute little fluffy cuddly wuddly house birds. First of all, I hate birds because they're pretty much in the same category as spiders or rats, dirty vermin. They're loud, they crap on my car, and they just in general make me mad.
But why do I hate parakeets most of all? Let me tell you know, and then maybe you'll see where I'm coming from. When I was younger, I did in fact have parakeets as pets. My sister and I each had one, a cute, sweet little blue one named Patches, and a vile, vindictive albino one that I hated so much I didn't even name it. The albino was a replacement for my little yellow parakeet that met her end via the cat's lunch. Anyway, back to the scary white one. When we first got her, I was excited, I was like, "hey neat! A white bird! I'll bet she and Patches will be good friends." Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. One fine day, my sister and I, after a long day at school, my sister and I come home, and go and check on our birds, hoping for a little play time. Well. The shock of a lifetime greeted us. There was poor, sweet little Patches lying on the bottom of the cage. His head right next to him. The culprit? Not the cat, but the innocent little white bird. Blood around her beak. While my sister and I stare at her in horror, the bird just tilts her head to the side, giving us a "look."
Let me tell you, that moment traumatized me forever. My childhood was never the same. And every time I hear a bird tweet, or chirp, or warble, my heart skips a beat in terror. So that is why I hate parakeets. They are not the sweet little pets you think they are. They are vicious, blood thirsty little feathered rats.
Horrified, Zombie Julie
My least favorite bird is the mockingbird - did you know only male mockingbirds chirp? And they will sing their asses off IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT because they are hoping to get a mate? And they will do this all summer long?
ReplyDeleteI hate all birds, but mockingbirds top my list of most hated.
Holy shit that's sad :(