I absolutely love watching Food Network. I love Paula Deen, Giada, Duff, all the happy energetic people who make cooking and baking delicious goodies oh so much fun. But it's not all fun and games, because sadly, there's a show devoted to that smokers lung sounding bag, Rachel Ray.
Everyday at 1 p.m. Eastern, her show comes on, and I have to scramble to get the remote and mute/channel change. It's not that she's a bad cook, or that she's done something completely stupid, it's just that she's... Rachel Ray. Her voice is like listening to a thousand witches and soccer moms screaming and raking their fake fingernails down the chalkboard. It's not just bad, it's aggravating. There are a lot of noises that anger me, crying babies, dogs barking, my own singing, lawnmowing at 5 in the morning, but none compare to the voice of that New Yorker.
It's not only the when she opens her mouth that anger me, it's the fact that she's the celebrity spokeswoman for Dunkin' Donuts, and yet at the same time has a nonprofit organization that endorses healthy eating for kids. It's like tempting a crack addict with a nice, fat bag of blow. You can't encourage kids to eat pastries, and at the same time, try to get them to eat healthy. Why not just give the kids a stick of butter, same exact thing.
Awesomely yours, Zombie Julie
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