First of all, I'm going to say, that I am in fact, a vegetarian. But! I loves me some meat every now and then. OK, so I guess you can't call me a strict vegetarian. I mean, I'd kill the fuzzy little animals myself, just for some In-n-Out Burger.
Though I partake in the consumption of flesh from time to time, I still love animals! I would never eat anything I couldn't kill myself. There is nothing wrong with trying to save and protect the little fuzzies, but some people take it to the extreme. For example, PETA. if you've ever been to their site you know just how crazy they are, that is, if you're a free-thinking rational human being like I am. I agree, a lot of the slaughter methods are cruel and inhumane, which is why if you like to eat meat, you buy the organic, cage free, happy meat. It's out there, it might be more expensive that meat that's been abused, but you can find it.
If PETA wasn't so extreme, I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with them. Did you know what they call fish? Sea Kittens. Kittens of the sea. Stupid, I know. They're whole beef is, if you wouldn't eat your pet cat, why would you eat a fish, because lawdy knows, they're the exact same thing, right? Wrong. I know that every living creature feels pain, but some animals were put on this earth so that humans could partake in their yummy, supple flesh. Such as fish. Or how about the fact that they sent Prez Obama a humane fly trap, because wouldn't that just be terrible, if a disease carrying bug felt the slightest tinge of pain? I think the world would come to an end. Or how about the fact that they are against animal testing for medical reasons? I do have a problem with labs that test on animals for cosmetic reasons, but if medical labs are going to find a cure for cancer, AIDS, or alzheimers by testing on a cuddly little bunny, I'm all for it.
As humans, we have a responsability to take care of the earth, and everything on it, but that doesn't mean we can't use the resources we've been given. Abuse of anything is wrong, especially animals, but that's how life is. Eat or be eaten.
If eating meat is not for you, don't eat it, but let the people who do eat meat, do so in peace. I don't want to get accosted by protestors when I'm in D.C., let me live my life how I choose.
Frustratedly yours, Zombie Julie