You know what I fucking hate? Celebrities adopting babies from foreign countries. Do they honestly think they're doing a good thing? What about all the babies in America born to people who can't parent? Did they ever think about adopting an American baby? No, because these idiots are so convinced that people will care more if they adopt a foreign child.
There are children in this country, who are in situations much like the ones in Africa, Korea, Russia, China, and wherever else the baby markets are. I guess people don't think white babies need help. For fucks sake, it's not going to get you good behaviour points for taking a child from a third world country. It makes you look selfish, uncaring, and in general, like a huge fucking douchebag.
As someone who was adopted, and born in America, I think it's just plain stupid to think that they only place to get a child, is overseas. I guess celebrities are the exception, because I have yet to see one adopt a child who was born nationally. Really, are foreign children any better? Does owning one make you feel that much better about yourself?
This makes me more than just angry, it makes me livid. I hate, hate, HATE people like this. I guess it's because it's the trendy thing now, right? Are these adopted children a fashion statement? Is baby the new Gucci, or Versace? Well, are they? Sure seems like it.
Absolutely fucking pissed off, Zombie Julie